Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Disney's Liberal Agenda Across Decades of Disney Movies: The Evils in Our (Only) Christian World

The liberal agenda intending to normalize everything liberal (evil) is saturated in virtually all Disney movies, not just as underlying messages- but these represent their company. Clearly their representation of all these immoral themes are stripping all unbelievers of their ability not to watch the movie and, in short, are taking away our Freedom of Speech because we are all powerless to their demonitizing ways. I mean demonic- I get words confused sometimes, bear with me. I hope through my consistent and erroneous usage of big words and repetitive phrasing I'll be able to convince the whole world that Disney's Frozen is one of many Disney movies intended to slander the faiths and beliefs of those who don't agree.

I want you all to know I wrote this about twenty minutes ago, because this matters to make my point clear. I've had little (no) support of my theories so I'm going to publish this in order to bring attention to this matter, and also so I can insert another paragraph or two before getting to my point so that I can ascertain that you're all truly invested into this serious matter and how terrible Disney is.

Instead of using thirty fluff paragraphs on human morals (only Mormons have true morals, by the way. South Park told me so), I think I'll skip to my point and introduce the three Disney movies that exemplify my claim that all Disney movies follow a liberal agenda, and that, for me, my watching and adherence to anything Disney ends at this.

Starting a little closer to home, I'd like to speak about the very first Disney Princess, Snow White. The idea of a homosexual agenda throughout the movie isn't just an underlying theme, indeed, it is the entire movie. I'll try to be precise in this matter, and I'll give my points here:

Snow White runs away from home because of the disapproval of her evil step-mother. This shows her lack of obedience to her stepmother's wishes, which is a clear parallel with the gay agenda. This represents the disapproval of homosexual beings, forcing Snow White to hide herself away from civilization. By doing so, she gives up her future as a Queen, which advocates in secretive terms that gays are being repressed and forbidden of that right she was born to, all because of her stepmother's disapproval and desire to be rid of her “beauty” (anyone else see what beauty is supposed to stand for? Gays.)

Seven men living together in one house. Not that I really need to explain this more, because I think this speaks for itself, but seven is also an odd number, which represents the oddity of their situation until they're imposed on by a female caretaker who makes an even 8 living in one home. But sure. Let's talk about the dwarfs.

Sleepy: Representational of us, the viewers, the Americans, who sleep our lives away and become oblivious to our surroundings concerning the homosexual agenda.
Happy: Disney's reflection on how we should interpret the gay agenda, which is why he's a more likeable character than that of:
Grumpy: The repressed “in the closet” gay who hasn't come to terms with his homosexual feelings, making him, indeed, a grump.
Bashful: More “in the closet” gay analogy in order to represent the gays not coming out.
Dopey: The effects of long term use of medical marijuana. I mean of staying in the closet instead of coming out. Sorry, got sidetracked on morals.
Sneezy: “Bless you” follows every sneeze in our society. Why would he need to be blessed unless Snow White were advocating for the liberal agenda concerning homosexuality?
Doc: Make what you want out of this one. Or don't.

At the end of Snow White, it closes with a red-lipped prince kissing a red lipped princess. The same color of lips shows the relationship between equality. Why should women have redder lips than that of the men? They shouldn't in the gay world, which shows that through and through Snow White displays the liberal agenda Disney forced into it.

The liberal agenda does not stop at this. Not close. I didn't even go into the implications of the poisoned apple, but I certainly could have if I thought it were necessary. In fact, I plan on using two more popular Disney movies in order to indicate that Disney's liberal agenda stops at nothing.

Let's fast forward to the 1950's, a time of inequality between blacks and whites, despite all the advances made to try to sever that gap. Cinderella, a story told and retold since the Grimm Brothers, shows how Disney advocates on behalf of blacks. Sorry, I should phrase this so that there are no questions about what I mean to say here: Disney, in the middle of the black rights movement, favored the idea of blacks having their freedom. That's right. They favored the freedom of these people in the middle of black rights becoming a popular idea.

Disclaimer: I'm not against blacks or black freedoms in any way. I'm not even against liberals. I just want everyone to know about Disney's liberal agenda and why they are so evil, but I'm not against the immorality of these things. I hope I'm not being too confusing.

Cinderella is a slave. She's told to do all the work, even though she's an equal as far as being white goes in comparison to her stepsisters. Still, she does not receive any rights that her sisters do and is forced to do all the work. This shows the ambiguous state of blacks not having equal rights, even though they were still “human”.

Cinder: Does anyone know what this mean? She got her name because she would stay by the fire and get covered by cinders and soot, giving her a black appearance. They don't show this in the movie, but by keeping her name as “Cinderella” instead of just “Ella” it gives the entire black implication throughout the entire movie.

When she arrives at the ball, she sticks out like a sore thumb. Just as a black arriving to a white ball during those times would have stuck out. But while most people are disgusted by her appearance, because of the challenge she gives them, the moral that comes about is that she is accepted and praised by the prince instead of turned away, showing Disney praising the black agenda in a time it was only mostly popular to accept them as equals.

All the magic resembles that of African voodoo- everyone is enslaved to the magic and it's power.

I won't go much more on Cinderella, and that has nothing to do with my not being able to come up with anything else, because I think I've already proven that the implications of the liberal agenda concerning pro-black-rights is there. Instead, I'll move on to my final movie, even though, like I said before, it's in every single Disney movie to ever exist, not just these ones I've listed.

Mulan and it's advocating for transgender people. This is not okay. By displaying all the transgender appearances throughout the film, we are indoctrinating our Christian ways and children are being taught that it's okay to be both male and female, even though Christian values indicate otherwise. We were created either male or female, not both. But don't take it from me, let's hear it from the facts.

Mulan becomes “Ping” in order to hide her identity as a girl to fight in the war. This idea is so liberal I can't even believe that I have no evidence to back me up concerning that Disney is all for the transgender transformation. She wears all man clothes, takes on man responsibilities and has to do manly things in order to prove her male power and to create male bonds. The transgender agenda is clear.

Later on in the movie, Mulan isn't the only one dressing as the other gender. We see her three friends dress up as females in order to scale the empire's palace. This was done intentionally to display that Disney is pro transgender, because climbing the palace could have been done with or without the men dressing up in female clothing. By putting them into female clothes and cosmetics despite that it was not necessary, Disney doesn't fail to show their liberal agenda ways.

Christian, especially LDS beliefs, assure us that men and women were not created equal. Women are meant to be the nurturers, and males the breadwinners. With that said, how is it that Mulan is the one who is able to scale the big wooden pole? She is not the strong, muscled male that would have been realistically the one to do that. Instead, she is put in a transgender position when she is able to do the most manly thing that the real men were unable to accomplish.

Now, a song from Mulan. I have italicized the words that point out/mock the transgender agenda, and other liberal agendas while we're at it.

Let's get down to business
To defeat the Huns. (gay reference)
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?

You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man
Out of you.

Tranquil as a forest (transgender. They even have the same root word)
But on fire within.
Once you find your center
You are sure to win.

You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll make a man
Out of you.

Chien-po: I'm never gonna catch my breath
Yao: Say goodbye to those who knew me
Ling: Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
Mushu: This guy's got them scared to death
Mulan: Hope he doesn't see right through me
Chien-po: Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

[men] BE A MAN
We must be swift as a coursing river
[men] BE A MAN
With all the force of a great typhoon
[men] BE A MAN
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
'til the Huns arrive.
Heed my every order
And you might survive.

You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make a man
Out of you?

[men] BE A MAN
We must be swift as a coursing river
[men] BE A MAN
With all the force of a great typhoon
[men] BE A MAN
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

[everyone]BE A MAN (this time it's everyone, not just men)
We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

So, there. All the implications are there. Now that I've showed them to you, I hope you find that when you watch Mulan again you'll be able to see it, and that it won't be an underlying theme anymore, but the entire movie.

I realize I promised three, but I don't think I could soundly walk away without mentioning the best Disney movie of all time, the one that Frozen was said to be the best since. That's right. The Lion King. I'll be brief because really there's only one thing that I need to point out to show that even the most popular Disney movies show that they always have their liberal agenda in mind.

The Lion King is based off of the play Hamlet, which was written by William Shakespeare, who was rumored to be partially, if not fully, gay.

Do I need to say more? Liberalism is everywhere in the Disney world, ranging from Tangled to Hercules, Princess and the Frog (more black rights), Beauty and the Beast (dehumanization of man/bestiality), Aladdin, Little Mermaid (interracial marriage), and so on. It's there. You just have to look for it. Sometimes you might have to squint with one eye and close the other, but it's there if you care to look for it.

Conclusion: Disney's liberal agenda is evil and so, for me, they can expect that I will no longer be giving them my money or my time because they've demoralized my values through their messages.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Er... This is a satire... Let's put it this way. I don't *actually* think we should eat babies. ;)
